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2016-2019 WORKS


Updated: Jul 17, 2020

The 5th semester a workshop project. One week long.

The line can express abstract or tangible things, the line is limitless. In this workshop, the stone is used as an expression of a tangible thing with different mediums. Besides thinking about its form and usage, how we can catch the meaning of the stone for us?

There is the sound of stone that we manipulate in daily life, it is recorded while we are trying to listen and catch the sound of stone in an urban area (in Balçova/İzmir). That is hard to hear the stone’s sound because of environmental sounds. When we want to hear a sound, we manipulate other voices quickly but in an urban area, it is very hard to manipulate. We are not aware of how hard it is. Then those sounds are manipulated just like we do when we want to hear the sound of stone.

When focusing on the stone, the environment loses its importance. How the usage of the stone, its form, and texture affect the human body? Photographs are an expression of feelings while thinking the stone in an urban area. There is a manipulation too, when the focus in stone, the environment is the blur.

Overall, this exhibition is a sketch of my experience in this workshop. All those works are placed just like they are placed in my mind.

The buildings are going vertical but life is going horizontal.

In this experiment those lines, ‘’you see’’, may not have a meaning for anybody, lines which have a mean for machines. The machines use those lines and create the sound, ‘’you hear’’.

The sound can express lines.


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